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Friday, June 14, 2013

Demise of whites due to bigotry?

By Jim Keyworth
Gazette Blog Editor
Let me say right up front that I am a white guy – a honky.   

But I am embarrassed and ashamed by the racial intolerance and lack of inclusiveness exhibited by way too many of my fellow honkies.  On the political spectrum, these bigots tend to drift to the far right of the Republican Party – to the Tea Party, to Rush Limbaugh, to Fox News.  They are the reason the GOP can't seem to win a fair (see Al Gore) national election anymore.

That’s why I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the latest analysis from the U.S. Census Bureau revealing that whites recorded more deaths than births for the first time ever last year.  If that trend continues, and why wouldn’t it, whites will become a minority by 2050.

The analysis revealed that the Asian population grew by 2.9 percent in 2012, Hispanics by 2.2, blacks by 1.3, and whites by 0.1 (thanks only to those dastardly white immigrants we let in).  Oh wait a minute, it isn’t the white immigrants we have a problem with.

It got me thinking about natural selection and survival of the fittest.  You know, how those who survive in the animal kingdom (of which we are most certainly a member) are the ones that are the biggest, strongest, smartest, and most adaptable to change.   

Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, the elimination of the honky majority in the U.S. is due to our continuing intolerance of others based on their skin color?  Is it possible our bigotry is going to be responsible for our own demise?

After all, It runs counter to our founding principles.  It runs counter to everything we profess to stand for.  Hopefully, with whites in the minority, those principles can flourish once again. 


Anonymous said...

How scientific. You really did your home work. It is to bad that only the honkies subscribe to such bigotry. If only the honkies would pop out kids they can't afford like human pez dispensers they might have a chance. I can't wait for them to all be gone.I felt bad that there were no other post so I thought I better write one. Power to the people.

James Keyworth said...

Never claimed it was scientific, although the Census Bureau tends to be pretty accurate as a rule. Popping out kids they can't afford like human Pez dispensers? A bit of an oversimplification. But Power to the People indeed.

Anonymous said...

Adaptability is absolutely the key point. And, by that I mean the ability to confront long held ideas and "norms" which have been stuck in a narrow rut for ages and allow the rush of new fresh air to clear our brains. It happens every several hundred years or so, creating a monumental advancement in culture such as The Enlightenment, The Renaissance, even The Industrial Age. sooner or later the fearful dam of ignorance will no longer hold back the cleansing waters of reason and knowledge. Truth is innately stronger than blind rage against positive change. We are all evidence of this. Even the most hysterical ranters against positive change are benefactors of a far more healthy, prosperous and interesting life than our ancestors. Power to the enlightened people !

Anonymous said...

Thankfully for ethnic Europeans, while we have never been the majority in regards to population, we have been the historic majority in terms of dynamic ingenuity (ethnic-Europeans have invented more functional resources than any other race), fore-front of equal rights (women and children were protected by law in pre-christian European society and slavery was largely a result of gambling debts).
Read a little Tacitus or Ceasar. Turn off your tv. Research the Bell Curve and if after that Mr. Keyworth's readers still believe mass third-world immigration and laws restricting rights based on skin color is ethical; I can only conclude that person is suffering from serious cognitive dissonance.
I'm proud to see an article of this caliber in my local media. For the other readers who have trouble keeping up with reality, I suggest The Occidental Observer, American Renaissance, and for the less politically correct with a sense of humor-Stuff Black People Don't Like (a parody of Stuff White People Like) or Mindweapons in Ragnarok.