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Thursday, October 11, 2012

We are better than appeals to fear


By George Templeton
Gazette Columnist

Human Wrongs
In 1963 Martin Luther King claimed, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.  Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.  Anyone who lives in the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere in this country.”  King’s statement recognized that human rights transcend race, nationality, religion, politics, and citizenship.  His appeal was to the Church, the Southern states, and the moral consciousness of America.   He was not running for president, contradicting science, saving souls, or justifying social irresponsibility.

Dale Maharidge’s 1996 book, The Coming White Minority, describes multiculturalism and America’s future.  We have a crisis of identity, amplified by the world wide 2008 economic calamity, and fear that as a people we may cease to be.  We have a challenge because no modern society that was dominated by whites has evolved into a truly equal mixed color culture.  Prejudice and passion increase anti-social drives.
Whites don’t like living near minorities.  This fact is evidenced by walled and gated communities, inner city decay, and economic ghettos that exist in many parts of the country.  Economic power and social privilege develop in every society becoming the basis for class division solidarity.  Privileged “job creators” practice self-deception and hypocrisy claiming that they represent necessary and sufficient universal values.

Nature’s laws include the forces of change that create time and tomorrow.  Adaptation is a force driving the evolution of species, and determining how societies choose to fail or succeed.  It is not an unprincipled political chameleon changing its color moment by moment.  Adaptation is more than embracing minority populations with different values and religious beliefs.  It includes dealing with global competition, an aging American population, and destructive climate change so rapid that adjustments are impossible.

The 2007 McCain-Kennedy Immigration Reform Act gave us the comprehensive solution we dearly needed, but it was rejected with screams for “no amnesty”, but amnesty includes time of residency, tax and work history, education and skills, family, a penalty, and a path to citizenship.  Arizona Republicans rode fear of expanding minorities to office in 2010.  Psychology says that only positive reinforcement changes long-term behavior for the better.  Their brand of motivation was judgment and punishment.

Leniency does not encourage depravity.  In Victor Hugo’s classic novel Les Miserables, Jean Valjean, given shelter for the night by the bishop, stole the silver table service.  Fleeing, he was caught and returned by the police to answer to the priest whom he had robbed.   Instead of indicting Jean, the priest turned the other cheek.  He gave him the silver candlesticks as well, claiming to the police that it was a gift all along and that he had forgotten them.  Then, in a whisper the priest reminded Jean that it was his soul that he was buying and returning to him and that he henceforth belonged to good instead of evil.  

Who is the most important musician in the orchestra?  It is the conductor.  America is a jazz orchestra where the musicians have no sheet music.  Government is the conductor.  Without the conductor you have a cacophony.  Government has no expertise in science or health care, and so it draws on the knowledge of industry experts to cooperatively debate and create standards that are necessary for efficiency and job growth.

The Half-Full Glass
We have been on the road to serfdom, but not because of scapegoated lazy immigrants intentionally coming to America to have anchor babies and live off welfare.  The forces of the status quo, anti-modernism, and multinational capitalism are much greater threats.

There is a new study, The Consequences of Legalization Versus Mass Deportation in Arizona, posted at  It quantifies both sides of the illegal immigration issue concluding that “no amnesty” would cost Arizona $ 15.7 billion while legalization would benefit us by an extra half billion dollars.

The Tea Party swallowed the John Birch society and it did not even make a budge in the snake.  Democrats have become the replacement for the Communist threat.

Individual extremism holds that society is entirely a derived value and a means to the end of individual welfare.   Alternatively, collectivism claims the individual can be sacrificed to achieve a utopian perfection.  Collateral damage is when fear of socialism destroys empathy, compassion, and being our brother’s keeper.

Socialism is Veterans’ Administration health care and those who take more from social security than they put in.  Absolute free enterprise holds that government regulations requiring equal pay for women and minorities performing the same job should be canceled.  Free enterprise allows separate water fountains, entrances, and lunch counters for Blacks.  Those who disagree practice situational ethics, bending capitalism to fit their concepts of fairness and morality.

Historical revisionists, who desire to merge church and state and revise school textbooks, say that the intent of the Founding Fathers was to abolish slavery.  Pride promotes a self-perception of purity and righteousness.  Slavery was controversial, biblical, and part of the Southern history, culture, and economy.  For America to become, it was necessary to count slaves as 3/5 of a person.  We could be ashamed that so many were held in bondage for so long with the support of the Constitution and that it took a bloody civil war to change that.  We could ignore the unpleasant message and shoot the messenger.

The Civil War was still being fought in 1965 when pastors preached separate but equal in order to assuage the congregation and maintain their property values. 
Conservatives have created a politics of good versus evil.   Biblical inerrancy promotes Republican ascendency.  They demonize liberals, claiming ethical relativity as the cause of society’s sin.  The roots of ethical relativity are not shallow as claimed.  

They go far before the Vietnam War, Fletcher’s 1967 book Moral Responsibility, and Macgregor’s 1936 book, The New Testament Basis of Pacifism.  They can be traced to the horrors of two world wars, the depersonalization of humanity, the theology of Reinhold Niebuhr who tried to take the contemporary world and Christianity equally seriously, and Bonhoeffer’s holocaust ethical musings.

Natural law, scripture, and special revelation are differing references for moral behavior.  A second civil war called “values” divides our society.  It does not cease in us but tears our persona asunder.  The religious view of reality that is so necessary for our wholeness is threatened more by its impotence to solve the world’s problems than by the fact that certain aspects of its dogma are not intellectually respectable and contradict science.

Niebuhr theorized that groups like nations and political parties are less likely to be moral than individuals because of irrational egoism and arrogant hubris.  However, religion is a danger when it introduces absolutes into the reality of relative values.  Ethics is elastic and situational, requiring tremendous personal responsibility that cannot be exculpated by legalistic doctrine.  Divine command’s content varies in different situations.

Exodus 21 thru 23 gives 5000 year old rules for ox ownership that don’t unambiguously apply to modern life.  Justice Scalia accuses liberals of “making it up” suggesting that he doesn’t.  Sociology and Physics recognize that Einstein’s relativity was as evolutionary as revolutionary.  How we think changes with time, culture, knowledge, and technology.

Kevin Phillips traces the rise of Republican theology in his book American Theocracy.  When 1860 Northern Republicans came out against slavery, they were ethically relative. The Bible legitimizes slavery in Exodus 20-21, Matthew 10:24, Ephesians 6:5-6, and others.  Proud Southern Democratic segregationists defended moral slavery.  Since President Johnson’s Great Society, the political parties’ roles have flip-flopped with the Republicans now defending Biblical inerrancy.

In 2011, DHS removed 392,000 people from America, just below the all-time record in 2009.  Drones alone in 2010 led to the arrest of 62,000 illegal immigrants, 2000 smugglers, and the capture of 800,000 pounds of drugs.

To be a nation we must have a border.  Homeland security has become big business.  Marketing estimates that it will grow to $113 billion in three years.  Border enforcement has gone high-tech, starting with the failed multi-billion dollar Boeing SBInet border surveillance system and developing into many forms of new border control automation.  Now we have 270 aircraft and 10 drones at $18 million each for border security to help the 60,000 employees of Customs and Border Protection.  The drones can scan wide areas and track individual foot-prints from 20,000 feet up.  Still, the Republicans fear monger and complain that the border must be secured first.

It’s the law, build more prisons, arrest and deport them, but the law should be helpful, building up instead of tearing apart, and not denying civil rights.

There was an eruption of repressive Tea Party bills revealing disrespect for humanity.  Radio talk referred to their ideas as “awesome”.  They wanted hospitals, schools, utilities, housing, and transportation to be denied, and people to be forced to become informers, not realizing that the extinction of human rights in Nazi Germany was facilitated by a repressive and authoritarian culture and public collaboration.  

Recently, the GOP tried to add proof of citizenship for voter registration, perhaps to shut down community voter registration drives that historically have registered people likely to vote against them.

The Supreme Court has sensibly ruled that Arizona and the Federal Government can cooperatively work together on immigration, a Federal responsibility.  The immigration status of a person stopped or arrested for a law violation can be checked by state officials and reported to ICE for disposition.  ICE is presently deporting only the most serious offenders and those who pose a threat to national security. Immigration reform is necessary, but we must not be willing to punish millions for the crimes of a few.   

There is a difference between unavoidable bias, flights of fantasy and pure conjecture, and intentional propaganda.  If we have a victim mentality, is it because of Democratic Socialists or deregulated Wall Street’s destruction of our home values?  Are you enslaved?  The Bible admonishes us “… Knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same again from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free”.
What is the soul of America?  Is it tough love or mutual sacrifice that is needed?  What kind of country do you want it to be?  When our politicians appeal to our selfishness, and our fear, we have the power to say to them, “We are better than that.”

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