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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Posting at post office doesn't cut it


[Blog Editor's note: We are prominently posting this comment because the story it referred to has dropped off the front page of the Blog.  To read that story, click on the link below or the WATER tab at the right.]

As a resident of Pine, AZ, I feel appalled that TITLE 18 Arizona Administrative Code CHAPTER 4 SUBPART Q – PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF DRINKING WATER VIOLATIONS § 141.201 General public notification requirements would allow for people drinking "contaminated" (or thought to be contaminated on June 19, 2012) with only public notification of written postings in the US POST OFFICE and on the Water Company building in Pine, AZ. 

NEITHER of these methods comes anywhere near effective for notifying people in the rural communities of Pine and Strawberry, AZ (included Strawberry initially). The Post Office is virtually vacant in the late afternoon and if the people were unaware of the water situation, why would they even go looking for notices anywhere? This regulation is so vague as many government regulations - open to interpretation and loopholes to protect the governing agencies and NOT protecting the people. 

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