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Monday, December 26, 2011

Loeffler takes supervisors to task for land deal


Gila County Board of Supervisors:

I have always believed the closest and smallest government is in the best position to decide a local issue. The state over the Feds, the county over the state, and so on. The smaller the area an elected body has to cover the better they know the situation and people's position.

With this belief in mind, I find it difficult to imagine how your board would feel so strongly that they knew better than the Gila Community College Governing Board, another elected body. You (BOS) must attend to every issue in the entire county while the GCC board has only one school to concentrate on.

Logically, it would appear the GCC Board would be better equipped to handle matters pertaining to their sphere of influence. They in fact represent the same people you do but they can concentrate on school matters uniquely. To date you have rejected every position the GCC Board has taken in their recent resolution and thus rejected their voters.

I believe politics is dictating policy and logic. A few meetings ago Supervisor (Shirley) Dawson suggested the GCC Governing Board grow up. I suggest that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Tom Loeffler
Gila Community College Governing Board


Anonymous said...

Nice letter . . . would be nicer without the two typos in it.

(feel strongly, not strong, every, not ever position)


James Keyworth said...

Oooops and thanks.

Noble said...

First of all - this was not a GCC matter "uniquely" as Mr. Loeffler would have it. This was a much bigger issue for the local community and actually for Gila County as pertains to growth.
Mr. Loeffler is not used to having positions other than his personally to prevail.
Get over it.