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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Our enduring commitment to equality for all men

By Ken Bennett
Arizona Secretary of State

For two hundred and thirty five years, we've celebrated our nation's birthday on July 4th. As Americans take time to enjoy Independence Day, we should also take a moment to recognize the momentous events of 1776. They changed the course not only of our history, but of human history.

Over the past few weeks, I started watching the television series John Adams on DVD, and it was a great reminder of what happened in Philadelphia so long ago.

Today, we hardly think that the idea that all men are created equal as radical or even revolutionary. But for the founding fathers to proudly proclaim such a belief took guts, courage and insight. Since then, the principals espoused in the Declaration of Independence have been used throughout the course of American history to win freedoms and civil rights for those originally left out. Battles in the court room, at the ballot box, and on the battlefield have won freedoms and liberties for countless millions here and around the globe.

In the document the Second Continental Congress sent to King George, the words alone were very powerful. "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal." That one line is significant due to its sheer boldness for that time in history. The founding fathers proclaimed that if it is evident to us that men are created equally, then why isn't it to you? To go on to discuss that governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed, and that it is the right of the people to alter their own government was unheard of.

We have the world's oldest written constitution. Nations around the world have shaped their own system of government with it as a guide. Yet it is the simple, magnificent idea of equality and self-governance spelled out in the Declaration of Independence that is what makes our republic the most successful form of government in world history.

Winston Churchill said, "democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried," and that old adage remains true. Is our Government perfect? Of course not. But because of the principles and values that serve as its backbone, it is able to evolve, improve and reflect the sentiments of the time.

I hope everyone has a joyous celebration this year. While we are celebrating our independence, imagine what our society would be like if it not for the determination of our founding fathers and commitment of those willing to fight for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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